Creates an instance of the MetaObject class.
Defines the default entity. This entity represents a meta table.
Sets the column type.
Unique identifier of the object (GUID). Uniquely identifies the object.
A collection of mapping properties.
This is a meta table collection. Manage multiple meta tables.
The generator function of the object. The function used when the object was created.
Event object. Processes the issuance and reception of events.
This is the collection reservation word. Defines the reserved words that you use by default.
Default callback function called at the start of execution (used when cbBegin callback function is not present)
The current bound command object.
Default callback function called before bind (used when cbBind callback function is not present)
object 'MetaView' to bind.
The current bound command object.
setting object.
Default callback function called after completion of execution (used when cbEnd callback function is not present)
Object containing status information.
The current bound command object.
response object.
Default callback function to output bind results (used when cbOutput callback function is not present)
Metabiew Collection.
The current bound command object.
response object.
Returns the processed result object.
Callback function that handles binding results (used in the absence of the cbResult callback function)
Bind result data object.
The current bound command object.
response object.
Returns the processed result object.
Default callback function called before valid (used without cbValid callback function)
object 'MetaView' to be examined.
The current bound command object.
A boolean value indicating the result of the examination.
The callback function that is called in the event of an error.
Error message.
Object containing status information.
response object.
Callback function called upon failure by valid.
object containing the results of the examination.
object 'MetaColumn' used in the examination.
Alias for command.
Collection of columns. Indicates the column of the _baseTable.
A collection of binding commands.
This is the first dynamically generated meta table.
A collection of bound model functions. (Internal function + Exposure function)
It's an item collection.
Callback function that returns boolean on init() call.
The current bound model object.
A boolean value indicating the result of the examination.
Callback function called when preCheck callback function result is true when invoking init().
The current bound model object.
The callback function that is initially called upon init() call.
The current bound model object.
_NSIndicates the namespace.
_PARAMList of parameters used for the constructor.
_UNIONList of implemented interfaces.
Event listener before command execution.
command object to be executed.
Event listener after command execution.
Command object executed.
The result object of the command execution.
Register (load) the property to the _baseTable or the specified MetaTable.
items: string | string[]The name of the item to read. It can be string or string array.
baseEntity: MetaTableDefault table object. (Optional)
Add columns and map them to commands.
This column object is to be registered. It could be a string or 'MetaColumn' object.
cmds: string | string[](Optional) Command that specifies the location of the view. It can be a string or string array.
views: string | string[](Optional) The name of the view entity to be added. It can be a string or an array of strings.
bTable: string | MetaTable(Optional) Default table object or table name to be mapped.
Add columns and values, add them to the specified table, and register the reference to the column in BaseBindcommand's valid, bind, and output MetaView.
@param{string} name - The name of the column. @param{any} value - column value.
cmds: string | string[]This command specifies the location of the view. It can be a string or an array of strings.
views: string | string[]The name of the view entity to be added. It can be a string or an array of strings.
bTable: string | MetaTable(Optional) Default table object or table name to be mapped.
addAdd command (abstract class) must be inherited and implemented.
The name of the command to be added.
Output option for the command.
baseTable: string | MetaTableDefault table.
Obtain the current object as a guide type object. (Circular references are replaced by $ref values.)
vOpt: numberis the import option. Default is 0.
owned: object | object[]Returns serialized objects.
Map columns.
an object or collection to map to MetaColumn
baseTable: string | MetaTable(Optional) Default table object or table name to map.
Set up the service.
service object.
passTypeChk: booleanWhether or not the service object type inspection has passed. (Default: false)
An event that is called before the command is executed.
command object to be executed.
An event that is called after the command is executed.
Command object executed.
The result object of the command execution.
Bind Model Abstract Class This class provides a framework for data binding, command execution, and event management.