Creates a 'MetaTableCollection' object. This object creates a collection that manages the meta table.
Specifies the owner object of this collection.
_elemDefines the type constraints for the collection element.
Unique identifier of the object (GUID). Uniquely identifies the object.
_listAn array that stores a list of elements in a collection. This array contains actual data from the collection.
_ownerOwned object of the collection.
The generator function of the object. The function used when the object was created.
Stores the key values of the collection element in an array.
countReturns the number of elements in the current collection.
lengthReturns the number of elements in the current collection.
_NSIndicates the namespace.
_PARAMList of parameters used for the constructor.
_UNIONList of implemented interfaces.
_getAdds a meta table to the collection. The table you want to add can be a table name (string) or 'MetaTable' object.
Metatable to add. You can receive a string (table name) or an object of type 'MetaTable'.
The index of the added table. The index represents the position of the table within the collection.
Test that all elements pass the test implemented with the provided function.
콜백함수 입니다. (currentValue, index, array) => boolean
thisArg: anyThe value to use as this when executing the callback function.
True if you return a true value for all array elements, otherwise false.
Filter only to elements that have passed the test implemented by the provided function
콜백함수 입니다.(currentValue, index, array) => boolean
thisArg: anyThe value to use as this when executing the callback function.
Returns a new array of results.
Returns the first element that satisfies the provided test function
This is the callback function. (currentValue, index, array) => any
thisArg: anyThe value to use as this when executing the callback function.
The first element in the array that satisfies the test function. If no element satisfies the test function, undefined is returned.
Returns the first element that satisfies the provided test function
콜백함수 입니다. (currentValue, index, array) => boolean
thisArg: anyThe value to use as this when executing the callback function. Index of the first element that passes the @returns{number} test. If no match exists, return -1.
Run the function provided for each element once.
This is the callback function. (currentValue, index, array) => void
thisArg: anyThe value to use as this when executing the callback function.
Returns properties collection objects as serialized objects. Circular references are replaced by $ref values.
vOpt: numberSerialization option.
owned: object | object[]serialized object.
Collects the results of calling a given function for each element and returns a new array.
This is the callback function (currentValue, index, array) => any[]
thisArg: anyThe value to use as this when executing the callback function.
Returns a new array of results.
Run the given reducer function for each element and return one result.
콜백함수 입니다. (accumulator, currentValue, index, array) => any
initialValue: anyUse the first element of the array if it does not provide an initial value.
Returns a new array of results.
Test that at least one element passes through a given discriminant function.
콜백함수 입니다. (currentValue, index, array) => boolean
thisArg: anyThe value to use as this when executing the callback function.
Returns true if you return a true value for one element, or false.
Events that occur before adding an element to a collection.
Index of the element to be added.
The element to add.
current collection object.
Events that occur after you add an element to a collection.
Index of added elements.
Added element.
current collection object.
Events that occur after you change an element in a collection.
Index of the changed element.
Changed element.
current collection object.
An event that occurs before you change an element in a collection.
Index of the element to be changed.
The element to be changed.
current collection object.
Events that occur before the collection is initialized.
current collection object.
Events that occur after the collection is initialized.
current collection object.
An event that occurs before an element is deleted from the collection.
Index of the element to be deleted.
The element to delete.
current collection object.
Events that occur after you delete an element from a collection.
Index of deleted elements.
Deleted element.
current collection object.
The 'MetaTableCollection' class defines the collection that manages the meta table. This class provides the ability to add meta-table objects and check the existence of tables in the collection.