The execute() method of the Bindcommand object returns Promise, so you can use the async and wait keywords to execute commands asynchronously and write synchronization codes if necessary.

Type: execute()

type execute () => Promise<void>;

Example of synchronizing single-flawed fish

The following code executes a command called ‘read_member’ and displays a notification after that command is complete.

var bm = new BindModel();

bm.addCommand('read_member', 3);
// ... omit column settings

async function readView() {
    try {
        await bm.cmd['read_member'].execute();
        alert( 'Called membership information');
    } catch (error) {
        console.error ('Error encountered during command execution:', error);
  • In this code, the execute() method returns Promise, so use the wait keyword to wait for the command to complete. If the command completes successfully, a notification message is displayed. You can also use the try…catch block to handle errors that may occur during the execution of the command.

Multiple Command Synchronization Example

The following code executes two commands in sequence: read_meb and read_corp.

var bm = new BindModel();

bm.addCommand('read_meb', 3);
bm.addCommand('read_corp', 3);
// ... omit column settings

async function readView() {
    try {
        await bm.cmd['read_meb'].execute();
        console.log ('calling private membership information');
        await bm.cmd['read_corp'].execute();
        console.log ('could get corporation information');
    } catch (error) {
        console.error ('Error encountered during command execution:', error);
  • The code executes two commands in sequence, and outputs a log message each time they complete. Use the try…catch block to handle errors that may occur during the execution of both commands.

Example of a Simultaneous Run

Promise.all is available if you need to run commands simultaneously instead of sequentially.

var bm = new BindModel();

bm.addCommand('read_meb', 3);
bm.addCommand('read_corp', 3);
// ... Column Settings
async function readView() {
    try {
        await Promise.all([
        console.log ('Called all information');
    } catch (error) {
        console.error ('Error encountered during command execution:', error);
  • In this code, use Promise.all to run both commands at the same time, and wait for all commands to complete. Once all commands have completed successfully, a log message will be output. If an error occurs, the catch block will handle it.

This makes it easy to synchronize promise-based asynchronous code using the async and wait keywords, allowing you to control the order of command execution and handle errors.