mix React, Vue

mix React, Vue

BindModel implementation code that scales easily to React and Vue, utilizing BindModel that combines flexibly with a variety of frameworks.

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Simplicity Productivity

Simplicity Productivity

BindModel increases the intuitive nature of code by minimizing certain grammar and indicators and eliminating unnecessary components. Designed based on frequency in the project, it delivers simplicity and high productivity to users.

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generalization of entities

generalization of entities

BindModel provides structured data processing by managing all data as an entity (MetaTable, MetaView), enabling consistent and efficient data management.

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MVC Patterns

MVC Patterns

BindModel acts as a controller of MVC patterns and is completely separate from View, making it very easy to replace and manage the screen.

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Stability and Productivity

Stability and Productivity

Jest Test Unin 1600EA
jest –coverage stmts, Branch, Lines 99%

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Development Environment

Development Environment

Browser support and node support
Promise support and provide d.ts type information
Vanilla JavaScript supports ES5 backward compatibility

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Feedback & Suggestions

We’d love to hear from you! Your feedback is incredibly valuable as we work to make this project better. Whether you spot an issue, have suggestions for improvement, or just want to share your experience, feel free to reach out!

  1. 💡 Notice something off or think of a way to improve?
    We’re constantly growing and improving, and your input helps us get there faster! Drop us a line at bindmodel@gmail.com 😊

  2. 🚀 “Something’s broken!”
    If you run into any issues or errors, don’t hesitate to let us know! Your feedback is our lifeline and can help us fix things pronto. Send us a message at bindmodel@gmail.com 😎

  3. 😊 How was your experience?
    First impressions are important, and we’re eager to know how things went for you. Any thoughts, feedback, or suggestions are warmly welcomed. Email us at bindmodel@gmail.com 🙏