the main structure

an inheritance relationship

Class diagram image-center

a key element


Item Description
count Number of collection elements
_owner is the owner of the collection.
_elemTypes Type constraints for collection elements
_list List of collection elements.
_guid Unique identifier of the object (GUID). Uniquely identifies the object.
_type The generator function of the object. The function used when the object was created.


add(key, element, desc) Add an element to the property collection
Clear() Initializes the property collection
keyOf(idx) Returns the key corresponding to the index of the property collection
Exist(key) Verify that the specified key exists in the property collection
remove(element) Delete an element in the collection
removeAt(pos) Deletes elements in the specified location from the collection
contains(element) Verify that the element exists in the collection
indexOf (target, isKey) Returns the index of the key or element specified in the property collection.
getObject(vOpt, up) Returns properties collection objects as serialized objects
setObject(oGuid, origin) Initializes property collection objects using serialized objects
equal(target) Compare the current object with the specified object.
getTypes() Returns the constructors of the current object and all the constructors of the prototype chain to the array.
instanceOf(target) Verify that the current object is an instance of the specified type (with _UNION)


Item Description
onAdd Events that occur before adding collection elements
OnAdded Events that occur after adding collection elements
onRemove Events that occur before deleting collection elements
OnRemoved Events that occur after the collection element is deleted
onClear Events that occur before the collection is initialized
OnCleared Events that occur after the collection is initialized
onChanging Events that occur before changing collection elements
OnChanged Events that occur after changing the collection element

Detailed description

Key Properties


Returns the number of elements in the current collection.

readonly type count = number;


This is the object owned by the collection.

type _owner = object;


Define the type constraints for the collection element.

type _elemTypes = any[];


Array that stores the list of elements in the collection, which contains the actual data of the collection.

readonly type _list = any[];


Unique identifier of the object (GUID). Uniquely identifies the object.

type _guid = string;


The generator function of the object, which was used when the object was created.

type _type = Function;

Key Methods


Add an element to the property collection.

type add = (key: string, elem: any, desc?: PropertyDescriptor) => number;
  • key : The key of the key element.
  • element : The element to be added.
  • desc : Property descriptor object for element. Select value.
  • return : Index of the added element.


Initialize the property collection. This method initializes the array ‘$elements’, ‘$descriptors’, and ‘$keys’. Events are not initialized.

type clear = () => void;
console.log(myCollection.count); // 0


Returns the key corresponding to the index of the property collection.

type keyOf = (idx: number) => string;
  • idx : Index value to look up.
  • return : The key corresponding to the index. If the index is out of range, it can return ‘undefined’.
const key = myCollection.keyOf(0);
console.log(key for index 0: ${key}');


Verify that the specified key exists in the property collection.

type exist = (key: string) => boolean;
  • key - This is the key to check.
  • return —Bulian value indicating the presence or absence of a key.


Delete an element in the collection.

type remove = (elem: any) => number;
  • element : The element to be deleted.
  • return : Index of the deleted element.
const removedIndex = myCollection.remove(someElement);
console.log(`Index of deleted element: ${removedIndex}`);


Deletes elements in the specified location from the collection.

type removeAt = (pos: number) => boolean;
  • pos : Index of the element to be deleted.
  • return : Bullion value that indicates whether element deletion is successful.
const success = myCollection.removeAt(0);
console.log(`Delete element successful: ${success}`);


Verify that the element exists in the collection.

type contains = (elem) => boolean;
  • element : The element to be checked.
  • return : A Boolean value indicating the presence or absence of an element.
const exists = myCollection.contains(someElement);
console.log(`element exists: ${exists}`);


Returns the index of the key or element specified in the property collection.

type indexOf = (target: any | string, isKey?: boolean) => number;
  • target : A key or element to look up the target. A string can be passed when viewed with a key.
  • isKey : A bullion value that determines whether to look up with a key. Default is ‘false’.
  • return : Index of the element. Returns ‘-1’ if the element does not exist.
const index = myCollection.indexOf("key1", true);
console.log(`Index of key: ${index}`);

Key Events


Events that occur before adding an element to a collection.

type onAdd = (idx: number, elem: any, _this: object) => void;
  • idx : Index of the element to be added.
  • element : The element to be added.
  • _this : current collection object.
myCollection.onAdd = function(idx, elem, _this) {
	console.log(`Before adding elements: index ${idx}, element ${elem}`);


Events that occur after adding an element to a collection.

type onAdded = (idx: number, elem: any, _this: object) => void;
  • idx : Index of the added element.
  • element : Added element.
  • _this : current collection object.
myCollection.onAdded = function(idx, elem, _this) {
	console.log ('After adding elements: index ${idx}, element ${elem}');


An event that occurs before an element is deleted from the collection.

type onRemove = (idx: number, elem: any, _this: object) => void;
  • idx : Index of the element to be deleted.
  • element : The element to be deleted.
  • _this : current collection object.
myCollection.onRemove = function(idx, elem, _this) {
	console.log(`Before element deletion: index ${idx}, element ${elem}`);


Events that occur after you delete an element from the collection.

type onRemoved = (idx: number, elem: any, _this: object) => void;
  • idx : Index of deleted elements.
  • element : Deleted element.
  • _this : current collection object.
myCollection.onRemoved = function(idx, elem, _this) {
	console.log(`After element deletion: index ${idx}, element ${elem}`);


Events that occur before the collection is initialized.

type onClear = (_this: object) => {};
  • _this : current collection object.
myCollection.onClear = function(_this) {
	console.log ('Before collection initialization);


Events that occur after the collection is initialized.

type onCleared = (_this: object)=> {};
  • _this : current collection object.
myCollection.onCleared = function(_this) {
	console.log ('After collection initialization');


Events that occur before you change the elements in the collection.

type onChanging = (idx: number, elem: any, _this: object) => void;
  • idx : Index of the element to be changed.
  • element : The element to be changed.
  • _this : current collection object.
myCollection.onChanging = function(idx, elem, _this) {
	console.log(`Before element change: index ${idx}, element ${elem}`);


Events that occur after you change the elements of the collection.

type onChanged = (idx: number, elem: any, _this: object) => void;
  • idx : Index of the changed element.
  • element : Changed element.
  • _this : current collection object.
myCollection.onChanged = function(idx, elem, _this) {
	console.log ('After element change: index ${idx}, element ${elem}');