the main structure

Property Relationships

Create a BindModel object and create a Bind Command object in the addCommmand() method. The generated ‘command[‘identifier’]’ has MetaView with valid, bind, and output attribute values. Ajax communication uses the ‘axios’ module internally.

Class diagram


an inheritance relationship

You can either inherit and extend the BindModel or override the BindModel to customize it.

Class diagram




Item Description
baseConfig Set binding default config
url Set binding default config.url
_tables Meta-table collection. Manage multiple meta-tables.
[[52. BindModel Class-B#_columnType|_columnType] Set item type.
items Item collection
fn collection of bound model functions. (Internal function + Exposure function)
command collection of binding commands
columns Collection of columns. Represents the columns of the _baseTable.
first The first dynamically generated meta table
cbFail Callback function called upon failure in inspection (valid)
cbError Callback function called in case of error
cbBaseBegin Default callback function before startup.
(used without cbBegin callback function)
cbBaseValid Default callback function at inspection (valid)
(used without cbValid callback function)
cbBaseBind Default callback function when bound.
(used without cbBind callback function)
cbBaseResult Default callback function on the receipt of bind results.
(used without cbResult callback function)
cbBaseOutput Output Default callback function.
(used without cbOutput callback function)
cbBaseEnd Default callback function at execution completion.
(used without cbEnd callback function)
preRegister callback function initially called upon init() call
PreCheck callback function that returns boolean on init() call.


Item Description  
Check Selector (collection?) Examine the selector  
getSelector() Get a list of destination selectors  
addcommand (name, opt? , baseTable?) add command  
setService(svc, chkType) Set up a service  
Init() Perform the initialization operation. Internally call ‘preRegister()’ -> ‘preCheck()’ -> ‘preReady()’  
addTable(name) Register the table  
addColumn (column, cmds? , views? , bTable?) Add columns and map them with commands  
addColumnValue (name, value, cmds? , views? , bTable?) Add columns and values, add them to the specified table, and register the reference to the column in the value, bind, output MetaView in Bindcommand.  
setMapping (mapping: collection \ object, bTable?) Map columns
getObject(): object Gets the current object as a guid type object. (Circular reference is replaced by $ref value.)  
setObject(obj, origin) Set the serialization (guid type) object to the current object. (The object is initialized.)  
equal(target) Compare the current object with the specified object.  
getTypes() Returns the constructors of the current object and all the constructors of the prototype chain to the array.  
instanceOf(target) Verify that the current object is an instance of the specified type (with _UNION)  


| Item | Description | | ———- | ———————- | | OnExecute | expecte() pre-execution event | OnExecuted | expecte() post-execution event

Detailed description

Key Properties


Set the binding default config.

type baseConfig = object;


Set the binding default config.url.

type url = string;


This is the meta table collection. Manage multiple meta tables.

type _tables = MetaTableCollection;


Set the column type.

type _columnType = MetaColumn;


It’s an item collection.

type items = PropertyCollection;


A collection of bound model functions. (Internal function + Exposure function)

type fn = PropertyCollection;


A collection of binding commands.

type command = PropertyCollection;


It’s an alias for command.

type cmd = PropertyCollection;


It’s a column collection. Indicates the column in > _baseTable.

type columns = MetaTableColumnCollection;


This is the first dynamically generated meta table. Reference value for > _tables[0].

type first = MetaTable;


This is the callback function that is called upon failure by valid.

type cbFail = (result: object, column: MetaColumn) => void;
  • result : The object containing the result of the examination.
  • column : ‘MetaColumn’ object used in the inspection.


This is the callback function that is called when an error occurs.

type cbError = (msg: string, status: object, response: object) => void;
  • msg : Error message.
  • status : The object containing status information.
  • response —Response object.


    Default callback function before startup (used when cbBegin callback function is not present)

type cbBaseBegin = (command: BindCommand) => void;
  • command : The current bind command object.


Default callback function at valid (used without cbValid callback function)

type cbBaseValid = (valid: MetaView, command: BindCommand) => boolean;
  • valid : object ‘MetaView’ to be inspected.
  • command : The current bind command object.
  • return : A boolean value representing the result of the examination.


Default callback function when bound (used without cbBind callback function)

type cbBaseBind = (
	bind: MetaView, 
	command: BindCommand, 
	config: object
) => void;
  • bind : object ‘MetaView’ to bind.
  • command : The current bind command object.
  • config : This is the setting object.


Default callback function when receiving bind results. (Used when cbResult callback function is not available)

type cbBaseResult = (
	data: object, 
	command: BindCommand, 
	response: object
) => object;
  • data : Bind result data object.
  • command : The current bind command object.
  • response —Response object.
  • return —Returns the processed result object.


Output default callback function (used when cbOutput callback function is not present)

type cbBaseOutput = (
	outputs: MetaViewCollection, 
	command: BindCommand, 
	response: object
) => object;
  • outputs : Metabiew collection.
  • command : The current bind command object.
  • response —Response object.
  • return —Returns the processed result object.


Default callback function at execution completion (used when cbEnd callback function is not present)

type cbBaseEnd = (
	status: object, 
	command: BindCommand, 
	response: object
) => void;
  • status : The object containing status information.
  • command : The current bind command object.
  • response —Response object.


This is the callback function that is initially called upon init().

type preRegister = (model: BindModel) => void;
  • model : The current bound model object.


Callback function that returns boolean on init() call.

type (model: BindModel)=>boolean;
  • model : The current bound model object.
  • return : A boolean value representing the result of the examination.


Callback function called when preCheck callback function result is true when invoking > init().

type preReady = (model: BindModel) => void;
  • model : The current bound model object.


Define the default entity.

type _baseTable = MetaTable;


Unique identifier of the object (GUID). Uniquely identifies the object.

type _guid = string;


The generator function of the object, which was used when the object was created.

type _type = Function;

Key Methods


Examine the selector.

type checkSelector = (collection: BaseColumnCollection) => boolean;
  • collection —Column collection to examine.
  • return : A boolean value representing the result of the examination.


Obtain a list of destination selectors.

type getSelector = (collection: PropertyCollection) => object[];
  • collection : A collection of properties to be examined; the default is items.
  • return : An object array representing a list of selectors.


Add a command.

type addCommand = (
	name: string, 
	option: number, 
	baseTable: MetaTable
) => BindCommand;
  • name : The name of the command.
  • option : Output option.
  • baseTable : (Optional) Default table object.
  • return —Added bind command object.


Set up the service.

type setService = (service: IServiceAjax, passTypeChk: boolean) => void;
  • service : service object.
  • PassTypeChk : Whether the service object type inspection has passed or not. (Default: false)


Perform the initialization operation. Internally, call ‘preRegister()’ -> ‘preCheck()’ -> ‘preReady()’.

type init = () => void;


Register the table.

type addTable = (name: string) => MetaTable;
  • name : The name of the table to be registered.
  • return : Returns the registered meta table object.


Add columns and map them to commands.

type addColumn = (
	column: MetaColumn, 
	cmds?: string | string[], 
	views?: string | string[], 
	bTable?: string | MetaTable
) => void;
  • column: column object to be registered. It could be a string or ‘MetaColumn’ object.
  • cmds : (Optional) Command to specify the location of the view; it can be a string or an array of strings.
  • views —(Optional) Name of the view entity to be added; it can be a string or an array of strings.
  • bTable : (Optional) Default table object or table name to be mapped.


Add columns and values, add them to the specified table, and register the reference to the column in the value, bind, and output MetaView in the Bindcommand.

type addColumnValue = (
	name: string, 
	value: any, 
	cmds?: string | string[], 
	views?: string | string[], 
	bTable?: string | MetaTable
) => void;
  • name : The name of the column.
  • value : The value of the column.
  • cmds : Command to specify the location of the view; it can be a string or an array of strings.
  • views : The name of the view entity to be added; it can be a string or array of strings.
  • bTable : (Optional) Default table object or table name to be mapped.


Map columns.

type setMapping = (
	mapping: PropertyCollection | object, 
	baseTable?: string | MetaTable
) => void;
  • mapping —Object or collection to map to MetaColumn
  • baseTable —(Optional) Default table object or table name to be mapped.


Obtain the current object as a guide type object. (Circular references are replaced by $ref values.)

type getObject = (vOpt?: number, owned?: object | Array<object>) => object;
  • vOpt : Import option; default is 0.
    • opt=0: Reference structure (_guid:Yes, $ref:Yes)
    • opt=1: Redundant structure (_guid:Yes, $ref:Yes)
    • opt=2 : Non-tidal structure (_guid: No, $ref: No)
  • aged : The parent objects that currently own the object. The default is an empty object.
  • return —Returns serialized objects.
a.getObject(2) == b.getObject(2)


Set the Guid type object to the current object. (The object will be reset.)

type setObject = (oGuid: object, origin?: object) => void;
  • oGuid : Object of the guid type to serialize.
  • origin : This is the original object that sets the current object. The default is oGuid.


Compare the current object with the specified object.

type equal = (target: object) => boolean;
  • return —Returns whether the two objects are identical.


Returns the creators of the current object and all the creators of the prototype chain to the array.

type getTypes = () => Array<Function>;
  • return : Returns the array of generator functions.
const types = obj.getTypes();
console.log(types); // [Function: MetaObject]


Verify that the current object is an instance of the specified type (including _UNION)

type instanceOf = (target: object | string) => boolean;
  • target : The type of object to be checked (object or string).
  • return —Returns whether this is an instance of the specified type.

Key Events


Events that are called before the command is executed.

type onExecute = (cmd: BindCommand) => void;
  • cmd : Command object to be executed.


An event that is called after the command is executed.

type onExecuted = (cmd: BindCommand, result: object) => void;
  • cmd : Command object executed.
  • result : The result object of the command execution.