the main structure

Property Relationships

The Bindcommand object contains MetaView with valid, bind, and output properties. The ‘output’ property refers to the property ‘output1’ of the object in ‘_outputs’ (MetaViewCollection). You can add a view through the newOutput(name?) method, “output + sequential” to “_outputs” The collection is added as a name.

Class diagram


an inheritance relationship

You can either inherit and extend Bindcommand or override Bindcommand to customize it.




Item Description
config same as axios config
url url path
_outputs ‘_outputs’ MetaView collection property
_model ‘_model’ BindModel object
valid MetaView for inspection
bind bind MetaView
output default output MetaView.See
_outputs[0] object
Output Option Output option. (Default = 0)
- 0: No view
-1: Import all columns and rows
- 2: Import the rows of existing columns
- 3: Import the rows of existing columns, set to value in the nth letter
cbBegin execute() start callback.
cbValid execute() valid 검사 전 콜백 입니다.
callback(validView, bindComamnd)
cbBind execute() bind 전 콜백 입니다.
callback(validView, bindComamnd, config)
cbResult execute() 회신 콜백 입니다.
callback(data, bindComamnd, response)
cbOutput execute() output View 매칭 후 콜백 입니다.
callback(views, bindComamnd, response)
cbEnd execute() 종료 콜백 입니다.
callback(status, bindComamnd, response)
_guid Unique identifier of the object (GUID). Uniquely identifies the object.


Item Description
execute(): Promise 순서 : _execBegin() » _execValid() » _execBind() » _execResult() » _execOutput() » _execEnd()
addColumn(column, views, bTable?) Add a column, add it to the specified table, and register the reference of the column to the valid, bind, output MetaView in Bindcommand.
addColumnValue (name, value, views, bTable?) Add a column and value with the specified name, and register the reference of the column with the value, bind, output MetaView in Bindcommand.
setColumn (names, views, bTable?) Sets the column of the meta table to the specified MetaView
release(names) Remove the specified column from the destination MetView
add MetaView to the newOutput(name?) ‘_output’ MetaViewCollection.
* - default name = ‘output’ + _out.count
removeOutput(name) _output MetaViewCollection 에 MetaView 을 제거합니다.
getObject(): object Get object of the guid type of the current object
setObject(obj, origin) Initialize the current object, and set it using the object of the specified guid type
equal(target) Compare the current object with the specified object.
getTypes() Returns the constructors of the current object and all the constructors of the prototype chain to the array.
instanceOf(target) Verify that the current object is an instance of the specified type (with _UNION)


Item Description  
onExecute common event before execution  
OnExecuted common event after execution inspect()

Detailed description

Key Properties


This is the setting for the AJAX request. Same format as ‘config’ in axios.

type config = object;


Set the URL for the AJAX request.

type url = string;


Collection that stores output results.

type _outputs = MetaViewCollection;


Bind model object.

type _model = BindModel;


MetaView object to be inspected.

type valid = MetaView;


Bind target MetaView object.

type bind = MetaView;

bind (MetaView) is a list of columns that are sent to the server. The column name and column value in the bind.column collection are sent (requested) to the server.

Internal operating structure

var bm = new BindModel();
bm.url = '/user'
bm.cmd['test'].addColumnValue('user_name', 'Neo');
bm.cmd['test'].addColumnValue('passwd', '1234');

///// Send to internal
var axiosConfig = {
	url: '/user',
	data: {
		user_name: 'Neo',
		passwd: '1234'


Dynamic added output MetaView object.

type output = MetaView;


Output attribute options.

  • 0: Except
  • 1: Import rows of all columns
  • 2: Import only rows of existing columns
  • 3: Import only rows of existing curums, set value
type outputOption = object;


Alias for > outputOptions.

type outOpt = object;


This is the callback function that is called at the start of execution.

type cbBegin = (cmd: BindCommand) => void;
  • cmd - This is the current bind command object.


Callback function called before valid.

type cbValid = (valid: MetaView, command: BindCommand) => boolean;
  • valid : object ‘MetaView’ to be inspected.
  • command : The current bind command object.
  • return : A boolean value representing the result of the examination.


This is the callback function that is called before bind.

type cbBaseBind = (
	bind: MetaView, 
	command: BindCommand, 
	config: object
) => void;
  • bind : object ‘MetaView’ to bind.
  • command : The current bind command object.
  • config : This is the setting object.


This is a callback function that handles binding results. Mainly used for processing result data.

type cbResult = (
	data: object, 
	command: BindCommand, 
	response: object
) => object;
  • data : Bind result data object.
  • cmd : This is the current bind command object.
  • response —Response object.
  • return : Processed result data.


This is a callback function that outputs binding results. Mainly used for the output of lists.

type cbOutput = (
	outputs: MetaViewCollection, 
	command: BindCommand, 
	response: object
) => object;
  • outputs : Metabiew collection.
  • command : The current bind command object.
  • response —Response object.
  • return —Returns the processed result object.


This is a callback function that is called after processing is finished.

type cbBaseEnd = (
	status: object, 
	command: BindCommand, 
	response: object
) => void;
  • status : The object containing status information.
  • command : The current bind command object.
  • response —Response object.


Unique identifier of the object (GUID). Uniquely identifies the object.

type _guid = string;


The generator function of the object, which was used when the object was created.

type _type = Function;

Key Methods


Run the bind command. Performs the entire execution process, including validation, binding, result processing, success, and error callback.

type execute = () => Promise<void>;
  • return : This is the ‘Promise’ object representing the execution result.
var bm = new BindModel();




Add a column and map it to the specified view.

type addColumn = (
	column: string | MetaColumn, 
	views: string | string[], 
	bTable: string | MetaTable
) => void;
  • column : column object to be registered; it could be a string or ‘MetaColumn’ object.
  • views : The name of the view entity to be added; it can be a string or array of strings.
  • bTable : (Optional) Default table object or table name to be mapped.


Add columns and values and map them to the specified view.

type addColumnValue = (
	name: string, 
	value: any, 
	views?: string | string[], 
	bTable?: string | MetaTable
) => void;
  • name : The name of the column.
  • value : The value of the column.
  • views —(Optional) Name of the view entity to be added.
  • bTable : (Optional) Default table object or table name to be mapped.


Set the column.

type setColumn = (name: string | string[], views: string | string[]) => void;
  • name —Column name or array of names.
  • views —The name or array of views to set.


Release the column from the target entity.

type release = (name: string | string[], views: string | string[]) => void;
  • name —Column name or array of names to release.
  • views —The name or array of view entities to be disabled.


Add a view entity to use for the output. The default name is ‘output’ + _outputs.count.

type newOutput = (name?: string) => void;
  • name —(Optional) The name of the view to be referenced additionally.


Delete the output view.

type removeOutput = (name: string) => boolean;
  • name — The name of the view to be deleted.


Obtain the current object as a guide type object. (Circular references are replaced by $ref values.)

type getObject = (vOpt?: number, owned?: object | Array<object>) => object;
  • vOpt : Import option; default is 0.
    • opt=0: Reference structure (_guid:Yes, $ref:Yes)
    • opt=1: Redundant structure (_guid:Yes, $ref:Yes)
    • opt=2 : Non-tidal structure (_guid: No, $ref: No)
  • aged : The parent objects that currently own the object. The default is an empty object.
  • return —Returns serialized objects.
a.getObject(2) == b.getObject(2)


Set the Guid type object to the current object. (The object will be reset.)

type setObject = (oGuid: object, origin?: object) => void;
  • oGuid : Object of the guid type to serialize.
  • origin : This is the original object that sets the current object. The default is oGuid.


Compare the current object with the specified object.

type equal = (target: object) => boolean;
  • return —Returns whether the two objects are identical.


Returns the creators of the current object and all the creators of the prototype chain to the array.

type getTypes = () => Array<Function>;
  • return : Returns the array of generator functions.
const types = obj.getTypes();
console.log(types); // [Function: MetaObject]


Verify that the current object is an instance of the specified type (including _UNION)

type instanceOf = (target: object | string) => boolean;
  • target : The type of object to be checked (object or string).
  • return —Returns whether this is an instance of the specified type.

Key Events


Events that are called before the command is executed.

type onExecute = (cmd: BindCommand) => void;
  • cmd : Command object to be executed.


An event that is called after the command is executed.

type onExecuted = (cmd: BindCommand, result: object) => void;
  • cmd : Command object executed.
  • result : The result object of the command execution.