Creates an object 'ObjectColumn'.
The name of the object column.
'BaseEntity' object that owns this column.
Properties of the object column.
Indicates the entity to which this column belongs. Object of type 'BaseEntity'.
Unique identifier of the object (GUID). Uniquely identifies the object.
The name of the element, which acts as a unique identifier for the MetaElement.
The generator function of the object. The function used when the object was created.
Defines the value type for the column. This property is used to set the value type for the column.
Indicates the alias for the column. The alias is used as another name for the column.
Indicates the unique key for this column.
Internal value of the column value.
Sets or imports aliases for columns. Aliases are used to transfer data and set low values. Where to use (default = columnName)
Provides a description of the column.
Indicates the name of the column. Same as '_name'.
Sets the default value for the column.
Gets or sets the current value of the column.
_NSIndicates the namespace.
_PARAMList of parameters used for the constructor.
_UNIONList of implemented interfaces.
Replicate the 'Object Column' object to create a new object.
entity: BaseEntityThe entity to be replicated, if not specified, will be replicated to the current entity.
Replicated 'ObjectColumn' object.
Converts the current 'Object Column' object to a serialized GUID type object. In the serialization process, the cyclic reference is replaced by the value '$ref'.
vOpt: numberSerialization option.
owned: object | object[]The parent objects that currently own the object. You can receive an object or array of objects.
Serialized object.
Sets the serialized GUID type object to the current 'Object Column' object. During this process, the object is initialized.
object of serialized GUID type.
origin: objectThis is the original object that sets the current object. Default is 'oGuid'.
The 'Object Column' class inherits the 'Base Column' to define a column that addresses object properties. This class provides properties loading, serializing and setting of columns, and replicating columns.