Creates an HTML column object.
The name of the column.
The entity to which this column belongs.
Additional properties for the column.
Indicates the entity to which this column belongs. Object of type 'BaseEntity'.
Unique identifier of the object (GUID). Uniquely identifies the object.
The name of the element, which acts as a unique identifier for the MetaElement.
The generator function of the object. The function used when the object was created.
Defines the value type for the column. This property is used to set the value type for the column.
Indicates the alias for the column. The alias is used as another name for the column.
An event object that handles events, such as changing the column value.
Indicates the unique key for this column.
Limits direct access to values in a column. This property controls the setting and change of values inside.
Sets or imports aliases for columns. Aliases are used to transfer data and set low values. Where to use (default = columnName)
Provides a description of the column.
Indicates the name of the column. Same as '_name'.
Sets the constraints for the column. Constraints can be set in the form of objects or functions.
Sets the default value for the column.
Defines the item DOM type.
Indicates the DOM element.
Function that filters the value.
value obtained from selector when selector exists.
Filtered value.
Getter function of column value.
Indicates whether it is hidden or not.
Indicates whether read-only is enabled.
Sets whether a column value is required. If the value must exist, it is 'true', otherwise it is 'false'.
Defines a selector. type
Function that filters the value.
Value to apply as filter.
If the filtering result is present, set the selector's value.
Setter function of column value.
This is the value to set.
Sets or imports the value of the item.
_NSIndicates the namespace.
_PARAMList of parameters used for the constructor.
_UNIONList of implemented interfaces.
Add constraints.
Regular expression to apply.
Message to display when regular expression fails.
code: stringCode for failure of regular expression. (Optional)
condition: booleanThe condition that determines whether a constraint is successful/failed. Default is 'false'.
Replicate the current column.
The entity to be replicated to.
Replica of the current instance.
Obtain the current object as a serialized object. The cyclic reference is replaced by the value '$ref'.
vOpt: numberImport option.
owned: object | object[]serialized object.
The event that occurs when the column value changes.
New value.
Previous value.
The object that caused the event.
Classes representing HTML columns. This class defines the columns that can interact with HTML DOM elements.